Draw of heroes .. Liverpool and Mourinho predicament threatens 4 giants

Draw of heroes .. Liverpool and Mourinho predicament threatens 4 giants

The eyes of millions of football fans around the world are related to the final round draw of the European Champions League, tomorrow, Friday, which will be held in a combined tournament system in Portugal next August.

And UEFA resorted to resolving the combined session in order to avoid the cancellation of the competition this season, as it stopped since the middle of last March due to the Corona pandemic that hit the whole world with complete paralysis.

Farewell hero and runner-up

Despite his strong domestic start and his lead in the Premier League by a wide margin over his closest rivals, Liverpool let down its fans by going back and forth against Atlético Madrid, to overlook early in the opportunity to defend the title achieved last season.

In the same scenario as the Reds, he was joined by European runner-up Tottenham Hotspur, who also lost back and forth against Leipzig, Germany, despite the difference in experience, both inside and outside the stadium, where Spears leads his Portuguese coach, Jose Mourinho, who lifted the double-eared cup with Porto in 2004 and Inter Milan in 2010.

On the other hand, Paris Saint-Germain broke its contract with the round of 16 in the last three seasons, and this time it qualified at the expense of the German Borussia Dortmund, who overcame it by going back (2-1).

Atalanta also continued its surprises and defeated Valencia Spain back and forth (4-1) and (4-3), so that the Italian team qualified for the quarter-finals in its first participation in the Champions League.

Heroes in trouble

The Champions League matches are resumed with 4 remaining matches from the round of 16, where 4 former champions remain threatened with early exit, most notably Real Madrid, the record holder (13 titles), who lost in his home court against Manchester City (1-2).

However, the Real, led by his coach Zinedine Zidane, is armed with his history and experiences against the City, as well as the royal awakening in La Liga after a period of Corona's suspension, and his approach to winning the local title in light of grabbing the lead from Barcelona 4 rounds before the end of the season.

As for Manchester City, his coach Pep Guardiola has an abundance of ready-made weapons for the team, especially in the offensive line, and his chances are strong to qualify for the quarter-finals, especially after he took advantage of his move away from the title of Premier League to equip all his players.

One of the former champions is sure to bid farewell when Bayern Munich meet Chelsea, where the Bavarian team crowned the local duo put forward in the quarter-finals to outclass three-way unanswered in Stamford Bridge.

As for the London team, its coach, Frank Lampard, needs a miracle to overthrow the German giant, as all possibilities remain in football.

Twin Crisis

In light of his technical and administrative floundering, and stumbling locally, Barcelona remains on a perilous mission to confirm his qualification for the quarter-finals, when the high-ranked Napoli receive strong results in the last 5 rounds of Calcio and crown it with the title of the cup at the expense of the Juve.

Despite a 1-1 draw in San Paulo, Napoli coach Gennaro Gattuso is able to make a surprise, while his counterpart Kiki Sittin hopes Messi and Luis Suarez will be in their situation to save the situation.

In the most severe suffering, Juventus wants to make up for his loss in front of Lyon, France, with one goal, but the old lady battalion recently lost the cup title and recently stumbled with a heavy loss against Milan.

However, Juventus coach Mauricio Sari's chances appear stronger on the ground in terms of loss and qualification, especially as his opponent lacks match fitness in light of the cancellation of the French League competition on April 30 last.

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